Baskin-Robbins’ April Flavor of the Month is a sweet taste of Spring

Marigold Dreamsicle sounds like a, well, dream.
Baskin-Robbins April Flavor of the Month, Marigold Dreamsicle - credit: Baskin-Robbins
Baskin-Robbins April Flavor of the Month, Marigold Dreamsicle - credit: Baskin-Robbins

As the weather technically begins to warm up (here in NYC, it’s still cold and gross), a young man’s thoughts turn from chocolate to flowers, is a phrase I just coined. And if that’s true, which I guess it could be, then Baskin-Robbins’ Flavor of the Month, Marigold Dreamsicle, is exactly what you’ve been dreaming about.

The ice cream purveyor is getting appropriately flowery about the new flavor in their official blog post announcing the new item. But if you want to get down to the nitty-gritty of what this even could taste like. Here’s the gist. It’s, uh, marigold ice cream.

What does marigold taste like, you might ask? The gorgeous flowers do indeed have a citrusy bent to them. According to The Chef’s Garden, the appropriately named Citrus Marigolds, “offer up zestful and citrusy flavors, reminiscent of orange soda and bright tangerine.”

That’s pretty much in line with what Baskin-Robbins is plugging, which they call a “unique, fresh, and mildly citrus flavor.” To complete the creamsicle of it all, the marigold ice cream is swirled with vanilla bean ice cream, which they tease “heightens the marigold ice cream’s subtle citrus notes.”

This sounds, in a word, extremely refreshing, and as a fan of creamsicles myself I’m curious to do a compare/contrast with your run-of-the-mill orange creamsicle versus this Marigold Dreamsicle ice cream.

But just like how April showers bring May flowers, April ice cream brings the end of the previous Flavor of the Month. That means you only have a limited amount of time to chow down on March’s Flavor of the Month, Mexican Chocolate Brownie, which features Mexican chocolate ice cream, OREO cookie pieces, and Mexican chocolate brownie batter swirls.

Marigold Dreamsicle should hit your local Baskin-Robbins on Monday, April 1, 2024, and will be available until April 30, 2024.