It’s your last chance to win a Denny’s Grand Slam every week of baseball season

The contest wraps up next week.
Denny's Offers Free Breakfast In Effort To Aggressively Promote Sales
Denny's Offers Free Breakfast In Effort To Aggressively Promote Sales | Justin Sullivan/GettyImages

I know a lot about sports. For example, I know that “grand slam” is a term that refers to hitting a, I want to say, “baseball” and then if that “baseball” becomes a “home run” while three players are on bases, the “sports team” gets a score of “four” and that’s a “grand slam.” More in my wheelhouse, though, is Denny’s iconic Grand Slam, which you have one last shot at winning for free, every week of baseball season.

The Grand Slam Giveaway has been running since April 1 (no fooling), and ends on April 29, 2024, and celebrates the 50th anniversary of a home run record-breaking event, on April 8, 1974.

“We love feeding America, including their fandom, and there is nothing quite like coming together for delicious food while rooting for your team,” said Sherri Rankin-Landry, Denny’s senior vice president and chief marketing officer, via a press release provided to Guilty Eats. “The Grand Slam Giveaway brings together America’s favorite diner and favorite sport while celebrating a home run king. Fans are excited for the new season and hungry for good value, so Denny’s is the perfect place to satisfy those cravings!” 

Great quote, very sweet, but like how the seventh inning stretch often stretches on too long and you just want to get back to the ol’ baseball game, you’re probably wondering: how do I win free breakfast?

The answer is head to, and submit your form for a chance to win an Original Grand Slam for every week between April 17 and September 29, 2024. That’s pretty much it! If you already entered and didn’t win one of the weekly drawings, you’re allowed to head back and submit again, just like how in baseball there are multiple at-bats, or so I hear.

By the way, if you’re not familiar, the Original Grand Slam is two pancakes, eggs made to order, pork sausage, and bacon. Everything a growing baseball player needs to dominate the, I want to say, “diamond?”

Whatever it’s called, you’ve already missed two weeks of free breakfast here, so better get cracking faster than a “ball” hitting a “bat.”