Imagine this… You open up your box of Dunkin’ donuts, ready for a delicious, cakey treat. You bite into the donut. Only: oh no! It’s actually a sponge! YOU JUST ATE A WHOLE SPONGE! AND NOW YOU’RE GOING BACK FOR SECONDS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???
While this scenario may never happen in a million years, as of today, Dunkin’ is in fact teaming up with Scrub Daddy for a new line of non-edible sponges that clean up your donut crumbs, versus tasting (or smelling) like donuts.
Available starting today, the sponges are in advance of National Donut Day on June 7, 2024, in order to keep your “celebrations mess-free,” per PR provided to Guilty Eats. And to clarify: yes, you will feel guilty if you eat these sponges, because you’re going to have to explain to the hospital why you ate a dozen sponges.

Not only are these delicious (sorry) looking sponges available to Scrub Daddies, they’re also available to Scrub Mommies. Or more specifically, they come in Scrub Daddy varieties – which according to the brand’s website are “made entirely of FlexTexture” material; and Scrub Mommy, which are dual-sided, and made of “half FlexTexture scrubber, half ResoFoam sponge.” As a user of the brand myself, I highly recommend the Scrub Mommy, even though around these parts they call me Scrub Daddy. I assume that’s complimentary, but have not as of press time checked with my family to see if they’re calling me that derogatorily.
Also as of press time, these are not yet available on, so I can’t quote prices at you. However, a three-pack of Halloween sponges cost $14.99, a four-pack of Valentine’s Day sponges cost $33.99, so you can extrapolate from there. Or you can keep refreshing the website, if you want, until the Dunkin’ sponges magically appear.
Happy advance National Donut Day, and do not forget: DON’T EAT THESE SPONGES.