Dunkin’ Early Summer Menu review: Watermelon Burst Donut, Green Goddess Wrap, and more

We’ve tried the new Dunkin’ menu and are bursting more than a Watermelon Burst Donut.
Dunkin' Vanilla Frosted Donut Iced Signature Latte & Chocolate Chunk Cookie
Dunkin' Vanilla Frosted Donut Iced Signature Latte & Chocolate Chunk Cookie

The Dunkin’ Early Summer Menu is here, and nothing will ever be the same again. Just kidding, most things will be the same. But there have been several bold additions to the overall menu at the chain, and here at Guilty Eats we’ve guiltily eaten our way down the list, from the new Watermelon Burst Donut, to the Green Goddess Wrap, and more.

We’ve already broken down what to expect from the menu, but in case you missed that classic article from yesterday, here’s what’s new:

  • Kiwi Watermelon Dunkin’ Refresher
  • Blueberry Donut Iced Coffee
  • Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte
  • Watermelon Burst Donut
  • Green Goddess Wrap
  • Chocolate Chunk Cookie

There are obviously a few bigger eyebrow-raisers there than others, specifically the Watermelon Burst Donut, so let’s get to that first. This is a regular donut, filled with watermelon-flavored jelly and covered in red sugar. It looks great in the press pics provided by Dunkin’! In person?

Watermelon Burst Donut from Dunkin'

…Yeah, not to get too rude, but with a brown donut and sporadic pink sugar, this looks like someone vomited up a whole donut after a night of drinking too many Jell-O shots. And presentation is important, of course, but how does this taste? Way better than the visual description I provided just two sentences back. The sugar is nice and sweet, of course – you are familiar with what sugar is, I assume. But the jelly is great. It’s like someone exploded a watermelon jolly rancher into your mouth, or an enormous Gusher. I know jelly donuts are the standard, but I’ve never been a fan. This, I kind of loved. It’s sweet, tangy, and actually pretty refreshing as far as donuts go.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Green Goddess Wrap. That includes egg whites, farro, sundried tomatoes, spinach, feta, and green goddess dressing, in a green lavash. It’s meant as a healthy alternative to the other two wraps on the menu, the Chorizo & Egg Wrap and the Chicken & Roasted Red Pepper Wrap. And at 260 calories versus 410 and 380 respectively… Sure. However, I wouldn’t necessarily call this health food. All of the items are glopped together in the wrap and ooze out as you eat them. This is not a refreshing burst of vegetables if that’s what you’re looking for. The farro has no bite to it, the feta flavor is mostly not present, and I didn’t realize there were sundried tomatoes until I perused the ingredients list.

That said? It’s heads and tails better than the Chorizo & Egg Wrap, and while I still wouldn’t call this light on your stomach, it’s nowhere near as heavy as the sandwiches on Dunkin’s menu. If you are eating there anyway and want something filling with fewer calories? Well, there you go.

Working our way around the list here, the Chocolate Chunk Cookie is exactly what you think it is, with a little twist: it’s got both chocolate chunks, and pretzel bits to make it a little saltier. Not to keep sounding like a negative nelly, but I don’t think Dunkin’, aka the place people go for donuts and coffee, is going to corner the cookie market. But this individually packaged treat is a totally fine, nicely chewy, salty, and chocolatey cookie. And the pretzel bits do a nice job of shaking up the texture.

Then there are two new donut-flavored coffees: Blueberry Donut, and Vanilla Frosted Donut. You can get them hot or iced, and fwiw I got both hot – so if you prefer iced, your mileage may vary. Both include a “donut swirl” which aims to make the flavors taste like a little something beyond your regular blueberry coffee or vanilla coffee.

They… Do not? Not to quote Willy Wonka here, but the snozzberries taste like snozzberries. The blueberry coffee tastes like coffee with a dash of blueberries. The vanilla coffee tastes like coffee with a dash of vanilla. They’re both very sweet. I know I’m supposed to be a professional reviewer here and be all like, “Ah, I’m getting notes of Portugal” or whatever, but no, this is Dunkin’ coffee with the flavors of blueberry and/or vanilla. I personally found the vanilla overly sweet, while the blueberry coffee was fruity and light, something I, a non-blueberry enjoyer, did not expect. But mostly if you like those flavors, you will like them in coffee as well.

As for the Kiwi Watermelon Dunkin’ Refresher, this is the part where I admit I was so full of a Green Goddess Wrap, a Watermelon Burst Donut, a Chocolate Chunk Cookie, and two cups of coffee that I couldn’t fit another thing in my stomach. So I am sorry to that drink.

Overall, this is an interesting, eclectic menu from Dunkin’ that, I’m surprised to admit, has a real winner in the Watermelon Burst Donut. It may not look as appetizing as its picture, but that first bite and every subsequent bite of the jelly made my mouth sing. Now, bring on the Late Summer Menu!

Note: A gift card was provided by Dunkin' to Guilty Eats to purchase these products.