Arrange your National Smoothie Day around Edible’s free smoothies

Because it’s Edible Arrangements! You get it.
Edible National Smoothie Day - credit: Edible
Edible National Smoothie Day - credit: Edible

Edible is probably better known as Edible Arrangements, and also better known for their arrangements that are, well, edible. From fruit on a stick to chocolate-dipped strawberries, if you need to send fruit for a graduation, celebration, or otherwise, EA isn’t just the initials of a video game sports company. But did you know that they also have smoothies? And that to celebrate National Smoothie Day, they’re totally free?

It’s true! Why would I lie to you? I mean I guess that’s what the internet is all about these days, but not here on Guilty Eats, where the truth – and snacks – are first and foremost.

So yes, starting today, aka Thursday, June 20, 2024, and running through tomorrow, Friday, June 21, 2024 (which is officially National Smoothie Day), in-store only, you can get a smoothie at no cost to you. No purchase necessary, no need to sign up for an Edible Arrangements membership awards program, nothing. Just walk into Edible, grab a smoothie, and walk out.

There is one restriction, but it’s a good one: the deal is available for five flavors, only. Those include the Mango Pineapple Smoothie, a Pina Colada Smoothie, a Pineapple Banana Smoothie, a Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie, and a Green Machine Smoothie.

What are these flavors all about? Well, I’ll tells ya, per PR provided to Guilty Eats by Edible: Mango Pineapple is a blend of mangos and pineapple, and then it has a white chocolate dipped pineapple on top, as a bonus. Pina Colada mixes pineapple and coconut, and they top it off with a coconut-dusted, chocolate-dipped pineapple. The PR from Edible states the Pineapple Banana is a blend of strawberries and bananas, but I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s actually either a blend of pineapples and bananas, or they mean the Strawberry Banana Smoothie is free today. Either way, it once again has a white chocolate-dipped pineapple on top.

Moving on we’ve got the Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie, which per the name is pineapples and strawberries, and they’re shaking things up with a chocolate-dipped strawberry on top.

And last but not least is the Green Machine Smoothie, which has kale, pineapple, and banana all mixed up and topped with a chocolate-dipped pineapple.

So there you have it! Arrange your day around a visit to Edible today or tomorrow and snag that free smoothie.