Free wings and easier gameplay are a "sure thing" after Topgolf announcement

For those of us who don't have the driving game of Rory Mcllroy.
Topgolf's The Sure Thing Club
Topgolf's The Sure Thing Club | Topgolf

If there's one thing about Topgolf, it can be very challenging for those who aren't golfers. The average player experience can lead to many swings and misses or even falling into the netting. But fear not because Topgolf has developed a new golf club to improve your game and is giving away boneless wings to celebrate.

Developed a few days back with assistance from Callaway engineers is the brand-new The Sure Thing Club. Per PR provided by Topgolf to Guilty Eats, here is how it can ensure a better outing with friends:

  • Enormous club face- A larger club means a better chance of making contact with the ball, resulting in less whiffs and more hits.
  • 20° Loft- Real talk - all that means is the ball will fly higher after you hit.
  • Shorter club shaft- That long, slender part of a club? That's the shaft, and the shorter it is, the more control Players have.
  • Chicken wing technology- Leave the complicated technology for another day. The Sure Thing is powered by Top Golf's proprietary chicken wing technology, something no company has dared to use before (wink, wink).

As promised, boneless wings will be made free of charge for today only. With the club powered by chicken wing technology, the company will offer one free order per bay if you try out The Sure Thing.

For me, this feels like using the bumper at a bowling alley. Something to make it seem like you're good at something when you are just a mere amateur trying not to embarrass yourself too much. I would much rather gradually improve over time and one day join the PGA Tour after taking my game to the next level.

Am I delusional by saying that? Yes. But I guess I will have to try The Sure Thing to allow me to enjoy some boneless wings as I play.