GrubHub offering "tax break" for desperate diners

The delivery service is getting in on the Tax Day madness with a limited deal.
Grubhub Tax Day Deal
Grubhub Tax Day Deal

It’s almost time to turn in your taxes, and as you watch your deduction tick downwards you might be thinking about how you’re going to pay for lunch on April 15 – or dinner, or breakfast… Thankfully, GrubHub has a solution, getting in on the Tax Day madness with a discount for desperate diners.

Here’s how it works: on Monday, April 15, 2024, diners can get $15 off their delivery order of $25 or more. All you need to do is use the code TAXBREAK on checkout to qualify.

Simple, right? Well, there is one more catch… Though the promo is available nationwide, only the first 1000 redemptions are valid. This means that if you’re Mr. 1001 on Monday, you’re going to be more out of luck than an audit alert.

On the other hand, if you already did your taxes a month ago like some people – cough, cough – you can still take advantage of the GrubHub deal. In fact, you might be less stressed just trying to get the Tax Day deal after you’ve already gotten your refund, versus balancing rushing to GrubHub in the middle of a particularly confusing section of TurboTax (or your uncle, the accountant).

One last note, which is a tip from me to you, and not something shared with Guilty Eats by GrubHub: don’t forget to tip your drivers. With so many people filing their taxes last minute, even though it’s a work and school day there’s every chance that this is going to be a particularly busy day for delivery folks, and with a bunch of people stressed to tears trying to file their taxes in time, it’s nice to give a little something back.

Besides, you’re saving that $15 anyway, right? Think of it as a tax refund, because that’s likely to be the only one you get.