Jimmy John’s is high on 4/20 with Deliciously Dope Dime Bag meal

Surely this is just a coincidence.
Jimmy John's Deliciously Dope Dime Bag
Jimmy John's Deliciously Dope Dime Bag

Saturday, April 20 is a lot of things. It’s National Cold Brew Day. It’s World Circus Day. And also, it’s Record Store Day. Those are three things that are happening on April 20! However, some people like to celebrate 4/20 in a different way, and that includes Jimmy John’s, which is rolling out a Deliciously Dope Dime Bag on Saturday. And I’ll tell you what, they seem awfully high on the idea.

For only $10, you can get a packed bag that will satisfy anyone's munchies:

  • A smoked ham and provolone cheese sandwich with Jalapeño Ranch, XTRA Oregano-Basil, sliced pickles, jalapeños, and lettuce and tomato.
  • A pickle.
  • A fudge chocolate brownie.
  • Chips.

Not only that but in any participating restaurants, some Jimmy John’s customers may receive a rolling tray with their meal, which the chain notes is “for catching crumbs from the chips, of course.” I don’t know why you would be rolling chips on a tray, but I’ll trust them here, they’re the experts.

In order to take advantage of the deal, you can use the promo code DIMEBAG, which again, I don’t really get. It’s $10. That’s a lot of dimes! I feel like I might be missing something here, but I’m way too HIGH ON MARIJUANA TO KNOW WHAT IT IS. Just kidding, don’t do drugs, kids.

But do do Jimmy John’s, because regardless of how you’re celebrating 4/20 (it is Lima Bean Respect Day after all), that sandwich sounds delicious – and $10 for all that food is a pretty solid deal. As I always say, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Hams, that is.