Turn your Olive Garden Mints into S’mores with this easy hack

The perfect summer snack. A hack snack if you will.
Olive Garden Mint S'mores - credit: Olive Garden
Olive Garden Mint S'mores - credit: Olive Garden /

Back in February, we taught you how to repurpose those delicious Olive Garden after-dinner mints that have been hanging around your house into some minty hot cocoa. Well, it’s summer, and hot cocoa ain’t gonna cut it any longer, so what to do? How about S’mores, instead?

Continuing their trend of showing off mint hacks on TikTok, Olive Garden shared their recipe for Olive Garden Mint S’Mores, which was handily passed along to Guilty Eats by a rep for the company. And now we’re sharing it with you! The circle of life is complete!

Here’s what you do. First, you’re going to need two to three Olive Garden Mints. That’s easy, you’ve got them hanging around anyway; and if you don’t… Oh no! Now you have to go to Olive Garden and eat a delicious meal in order to obtain mints for S’Mores! Life is so hard!

Anyway, now that you’ve got your mints by hook or by crook, take them and place them on top of half of a graham cracker. Perhaps of note, you’re going to need to get your own graham crackers at your supermarket or local store. But again, this is not a bad problem to have, as a box of graham crackers around the house is a pretty good snack for the whole family.

Next, and this is probably the most important part: you’re going to want to roast a marshmallow until it’s nice and gooey, and then gently – without roasting your fingers, as well – place it on top of the mints. If you’re not sitting around a roaring campfire, there are a few ways of doing this. Naturally, you’ll need to be careful around fire. And you’ll also want some sort of non-flammable stick to use. Certainly, you can pick up one of the many S’mores kits available online or in stores. I personally use a “personal fireplace” (check Amazon for that) which is basically a little stone unit you can throw regular rubbing alcohol into, and get a nice fire going. But you can also just boot up your oven range, and roast on there.

Once you have your marshmallow on the graham cracker, take the other half and place it on top. Bam! Minty S’mores.

So there you have it… Quick and easy Olive Garden Mint S’Mores, to brighten up your summer days. Or nights. Or afternoons. I don’t know your life.

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