Dream wedding alert: Mr. Peanut will walk you down the aisle, thanks to Miller High Life

You won’t even pay peanuts for this wedding, because it’s free.
Mr. Peanut walking down the aisle - credit: Miller High Life and PLANTERS
Mr. Peanut walking down the aisle - credit: Miller High Life and PLANTERS

Weddings are expensive. From the venue, to the menu, to other lyrics from the hit musical Hamilton, it doesn’t cost peanuts to get hitched. But what Miller High Life and Planters are suggesting is: what if it did? Or more specifically, what if a peanut walked you down the aisle at your all-expenses-paid dive bar wedding?

That’s the idea behind the just-announced Perfect MATCHrimony contest, which figuratively marries Planters, the nut company, and Miller High Life, the beer company, to help you get married, literally.

The highlight (high life?) of the contest is that Mr. Peanut will walk you down the aisle, which will be covered in peanut shells, at your favorite dive bar. And I don’t want to promise anything, but maybe this event will lead to a little Baby Nut in nine months or so? We’ll see.

Regardless, the dive bar wedding amenities don’t end there. As you might expect from the champagne of beers, you’ll have champagne for your real friends, and real pain for your sham friends (aka they won’t be invited to your wedding). Here’s what the lucky couples will get, covered by Miller High Life and Planters:

  • The wedding will be held at the dive bar of your choice.
  • You’ll get to arrive at the wedding in the Planters Nutmobile, which is in my opinion one kabillion times better than a limo, that’s just science.
  • A Miller High Life beer tower and toast, as well as a dive bar snacks buffet.
  • Wedding accessories from the co-branded Planters and Miller High Life “Tie Bar” collection.
  • A wedding cake flavored like peanuts, and topped with a custom Girl in the Moon (the mascot of Miller High Life) and Mr. Peanut (the Planters mascot) cake toppers.

If you’re getting married soon and this sounds of interest to you, better enter quick. The contest goes live on June 11, 2024 – hey, that’s today! – and is open until June 25. Beyond the couples who win this wild, once-in-a-lifetime wedding, other couples will receive some co-branded wedding accessories: a tie, a pocket square, and a bowtie, all from Tie Bar, so you can pretend you’re Mr. Peanut even if he doesn’t actually show up at your wedding. He’ll be there in spirit, though. Mr. Peanut is everywhere, all the time.

Enter to have your dive bar wedding at http://www.highlifeandplanters.com/perfectmatchrimony, and good luck to all the couples! Remember: 50% of dive bar weddings end in eating delicious peanuts and drinking Miller High Life.