HI-CHEW and the Sloomoo Institute have collaborated on a new line of slime inspired by the classic candy flavors. But, and I cannot emphasize this enough: DO NOT EAT THE SLOOMOO HI-CHEW SLIME.
“But it looks delicious!” you say. Yes, I know. I also want to eat it, but it is not candy, it is slime. Do not eat slime. Please.
"HI-CHEW is dedicated to providing a world of flavor for brand fans and consumers alike with our many product and flavor varieties," said Teruhiro Kawabe, Chief Representative for the USA & President, CEO of Morinaga America, Inc. via a press release provided to Guilty Eats. "Through our partnership with Sloomoo Institute, we're excited by the opportunity to bring an immersive and unique experience to consumers across the country that goes far beyond taste, and instead provides a full sensory experience."
“Full sensory experience,” you say? Touch, certainly. Smell, perhaps. Sight, yes. Taste? NO. NO TASTE. DO NOT TASTE.
Okay, but what do they taste – I mean, smell – like? Each of the Sloomoo Institute’s four locations has a different “flavor” available, as well as more online. Here’s how they break it down…
Atlanta: HI-CHEW Peach Infrusions, inspired by the Infrusions Orchard Mix.

Chicago: HI-CHEW Tropical Pineapple, inspired by the Tropical Mix.

Houston: HI-CHEW Sweet & Sour Watermelon, inspired by the Sweet & Sour Watermelon Mix.

New York City: HI-CHEW Strawberry Ice Cream, inspired by the Dessert Mix.

All four of the variations are available in-store for $16, and HI-CHEWs – which are edible – will be available as well.
In addition, each location will have a Sloomoo x HI-CHEW vat, where guests can dip their hands in it, scoop out a bunch, and put it in their mout– HOLD ON, NO, DON’T DO THAT.
There’s also a DIY Bar where you can make your own HI-CHEW-style slime.
Don’t live in one of those four cities? You can also get a sampler tube featuring 1 oz. versions of all four slimes online.
Can’t wait to taste these! NO. WAIT. OH NO.