Meet the Flavoristas, six new drinks from SONIC

From Grape Escape to Twisted Flamingo, these are about to be your new summer obsession.
Sonic Flavorista Favorites - credit: SONIC
Sonic Flavorista Favorites - credit: SONIC

SONIC is already the name of the game when it comes to awesome drinks. So it makes a lot of sense that they’ve teamed up with a literal game, the X Games Ventura, to launch six new drinks in a line called Flavorista Favorites. Actually the last part doesn’t totally follow logically from what was set up in the first part, but regardless, it’s all true.

"As the trailblazers of drink customization, our new app-exclusive lineup, Flavorista Favorites, offers something special for every taste – whether it’s sweet, tangy, creamy or citrusy," said Mackenzie Gibson, Vice President of Culinary & Menu Innovation at SONIC, via a press release provided to Guilty Eats. "We’re unveiling these flavors at X Games Ventura Presented by SONIC this summer because the X Games embody the spirit of living free and escaping monotony, just as our drinks do for our fans. Previously, the number of ready-to-order drink combinations on our menu was limited to only a few SONIC signature drinks like Cherry Limeade and Ocean Water, but now with these new ready-to-order options, it’s easier than ever to enjoy the bold flavors at SONIC with just the push of a button!"

All corporate language aside, the new drinks in the Flavorista Favorites line look wildly fun. And while they’ll debut at the X Games Ventura on June 28, you’ll have a chance to try them yourself via the SONIC app on July 1, 2024.

So what are these six new drinks? Classic Cruiser, Twisted Flamingo, Paradise Sunset, Rainbow Slush, Lemonade Cream Cooler, and Grape Escape. They’ve all got fun names, so that’s a great start, but let’s get into what they taste like.

Classic Cruiser is probably the simplest of the bunch: it’s cherry vanilla cola. That’s it! Classic!

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Sonic Flavorista Favorites, Classic Cruiser - credit: SONIC

Twisted Flamingo kicks things up a notch by first kidnapping a flamingo from the zoo, and then twisting it until all that flamingo juice comes pouring out. Just kidding, but it is lemon-lime, cherry vanilla, and sweet cream which sounds safer than the “kidnap a flamingo” thing.

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Sonic Flavorista Favorites, Twisted Flamingo - credit: SONIC

Paradise Sunset brings on the bubbles, with blood orange and real strawberries, and fits that mocktail bill. Honestly maybe I would have called this Twisted Flamingo? I don’t know, I don’t work at SONIC.

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Sonic Flavorista Favorites, Paradise Sunset - credit: SONIC

Rainbow Slush you can probably guess, but it sounds like the perfect summer beverage: what the name says (rainbow slush) with the flavors of blue raspberry, strawberry, and lemonade. Yum.

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Sonic Flavorista Favorites, Rainbow Slush - credit: SONIC

Lemonade Cream Cooler also sounds real good, with lemonade slush blended with soft serve.

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Sonic Flavorista Favorites, Lemonade Cream Cooler - credit: SONIC

And finally, Grape Escape, which deals with the aftermath of the flamingo kidnapping debacle. Turns out, grapes did it! Again, just kidding, it’s grape and lime.

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Sonic Flavorista Favorites, Grape Escape - credit: SONIC

One note of import, the Flavorista Favorites aren’t eligible for Happy Hour or other discounts. However, with every purchase of a drink at SONIC they donate a portion to the SONIC Foundation, which benefits those who have been harmed by flamingo kidnapping incidents. Actually, I shouldn’t joke here because it’s a really lovely foundation that thus far has donated “more than $27 million since 2009 to funding local classrooms, becoming one of the largest programs to support public education in the U.S.” Neat! So no discounts on the Flavoristas, but hey, you’re helping kids while you sip these delicious drinks. That’s a trade-off even a flamingo kidnapper could appreciate.