Spring Baking Championship season 10 finale recap: And the winner is...

Spring has sprung, but whose baking skills reigned supreme?
Host Jesse Palmer, portrait, as seen on Spring Baking Championship, Season 9.
Host Jesse Palmer, portrait, as seen on Spring Baking Championship, Season 9.

Spring Baking Championship season 10 has finally ended, and a winner has been announced. Who is it? Before we get to that, let's talk about what happened during the episode. This week, it was all about weddings.

And since it's the finale, there was only one challenge this week. The remaining three bakers had to make a spring-themed stained glass, three-tiered wedding cake. But they had to represent a certain spring icon on it. Because Steven won last week's Main Heat, he was able to pick his spring icon first and then assign the others to his fellow bakers.

Steven picked flowers for himself and chose birds for Robert and dragonflies for Nickey. They were given five hours and that time still felt like nothing compared to how much work they had to do.

So what did they make? Nickey made a hibiscus, strawberry and prosecco, and vanilla cake (each layer was a different flavor) and used a watercolor technique to paint her cake and then black gel lines for the stained-glass effect. Her cake was beautiful and considering it was her first time making a three-tiered cake, it was truly amazing.

The winner of Spring Baking Championship season 10 is...

Steven made a coconut cake with passionfruit and mango buttercream, He decorated his cake absolutely perfectly to look just like a stained glass display. Of all the cakes, his took the stained-glass theme the most literally. It was gorgeous!

Robert made a "hummingbird-inspired" cake with pineapple and guava curd, amaretto soak, and almond buttercream. He covered his cake in birds, and branches that created the stained glass look. It was spectacular just how much work he achieved in five hours.

The judges had positives and negatives to say about each cake, so for the first time in a while, it was unclear who they were going to announce as the winner. So... Who won the championship and the $25,000? It was Steven!

His cake truly represented the theme best and his attention to detail and his flavors truly blew the judges away. This was one of those finales where any of the bakers could have won and it would have made sense. But Steven took home the prize and was crowned the winner of this year's Spring Baking Championship. See you next spring!