The Starbucks menu for fall 2024 with alleged launch date leaks on social media

Pumpkin Spice season will be back sooner than you think!
Starbucks 2023 Fall drinks
Starbucks 2023 Fall drinks

If there is one thing that seems to come earlier and earlier every year, it is spooky season. For those of us who love all things Fall and Halloween, it never really feels like it comes early enough. But for fans of Starbucks and Pumpkin Spice Lattes, July and August are when we are on the lookout for when Starbucks to reveal when the PSL will drop.

Thanks to foodie in the know, Markie_devo on Instagram, we are always getting the tea (the latte) early in terms of when the fall menu will drop and what is actually on the menu. And once again, Markie_devo has come through again with a full menu for fall and the exact release dates (there will once again be two different release dates for the fall menu).

Editor's Note: If any updates are made, they will be changed/added to the post as needed.

First we have to talk about the release dates. According to his post, it seems that the first release, with the majority of the fall menu items will allegedly arrive on August 22. Then the second drop featuring three more additions to the fall menu will potentially happen on October 1 (an update since the original post went live has the date shifting to September 19.

The Fall menu from Starbucks returns at the end of August with plenty of returning favorites

Now that we know when the fall menu arrives at Starbucks locations, what exactly is on the menu this season.

The August 22 menu drop features the following:

  • Pumpkin Spice Latte (Iced and Hot)
  • Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino
  • Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew
  • Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai
  • Iced Apple Crisp Cream Chai (NEW)
  • Iced Apple Crisp Shaken Espresso with Oatmilk
  • Apple Crisp Macchiato with Oatmilk
  • The Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin
  • A Raccoon Cake Pop (NEW)
  • Baked Apple Croissant

The second release which arrives on either October 1 or September 19 features the following items:

  • Iced Pecan Crunch Latte with Oatmilk (NEW)
  • Salted Pecan Cream Cold Foam (NEW)
  • A Mummy Cookie (NEW)

According to this leaked menu, it sounds like this fall is going to bring plenty of new menu items to fall in love with. Not only do we have two new food items, but there are also three new drinks for us to try as well.

While this news has not been confirmed by Starbucks yet, we are definitely on the lookout for that news to drop soon. We can't wait to find out if the August 22 release date is accurate and if that means that we get a taste of fall even earlier than last year.

What do you think fellow foodies? Are we excited for the Fall menu to hit Starbucks? Which fall treat or drink is your favorite?