Trolli and Xbox team up for the ultimate gamer candy experience

Every gamer has consumed a bag of candy while playing at some point.
Trolli x Xbox candy collection
Trolli x Xbox candy collection | Trolli

In recent years, gaming has risen in popularity like never before. From sporting games like NBA 2K and the recently brought back NCAA College Football 35 to RPG games like Elden Ring and CyberPunk to heavily popular games like Rocket League Call of Duty: Warzone, it is safe to say it's a great time to be a gamer. But anyone who likes to play video games knows you need something to snack on while you're button smashing, which is what Trolli will provide with their collaboration with Xbox.

Heading to stores now nationwide are four limited-edition Sour Bite Crawler packages that have been rethemed into popular Xbox games. The specific ones that have been included are Sea of Thieves, World of Warcraft, Diablo IV, and The Elder Scrolls Online.

That said, if you are a gamer who plays these games and uses Xbox as your console, you're in luck. After you purchase one of these special packs, you can visit and upload your receipt.

From there, you will have the opportunity to choose an in-game item, which includes but is not limited to Gummi Baubleworm (World of Warcraft), Wyrmcutter (Diablo IV), Obsidian Wheel (Sea of Thieves, and Gold Coast Experience Scroll (The Elder Scrolls Online.

Now, if you're like me, the only real thing you hear from this is gummy worms. Although I am a PS5 owner who mostly plays sporting games, I will never say no to anything that has the word gummy in it.

But those who dominate the gaming world might want to check this one out and take advantage of the in-game items. Also, what better fuel for you when playing video games than gummy worms and maybe some energy drink?

Anyways, gamer or not, will you be taking advantage of this Troll and Xbox team-up?