Wendy’s offering free fries every Friday - starting today

Somehow they’re calling it “FRYday” instead of “FRY-yay” but we’ll let that slide.
Best FRYday Yet: Wendy’s Drops Free Any Size Hot & Crispy Fries With Purchase In-App Offer EVERY Friday Beginning April 19
Best FRYday Yet: Wendy’s Drops Free Any Size Hot & Crispy Fries With Purchase In-App Offer EVERY Friday Beginning April 19

What’s better than french fries? How about free french fries? Wendy’s, it turns out, has your hook-up for the latter. Starting today and running every Friday until the year, you can get any size Hot & Crispy fries absolutely free with any purchase.

Now before you add a recurring calendar invite, there are a few things you need to know. As mentioned, it’s with purchase only. Second, it’s only through the Wendy’s app, meaning you can’t just walk into the store, reach behind the counter, stick your hand in the deep-fryer, and walk out with a handful of fries.

You shouldn’t be doing that regardless for safety reasons, but I digress.

Regardless, otherwise the deal is pretty much as simple as that. And it’s not a one-time thing, either. If you use the Wendy’s app, you’ll get free fries every Friday until December 27, 2024. That’s a whole lot of fries! I should have counted how many weeks that was, but I didn’t!

And since they’re any size you can order the largest size, free, and share with your friends, family, or faithful Guilty Eats reporter. Honestly, whatever you want, hint, hint. A casual glance at my local Wendy's menu shows they start at $3.69, so getting free fries every week, if that's a thing you were doing anyway, can add up to some big savings, potentially.

As Wendy’s notes, you can pair the fries with everything from their new Orange Dreamsicle Frosty to a classic Dave’s Double. However, we recommend the classic: order a Frosty, dip your fries in it, have the best FRY-YAY ever. Or FRYday. Whichever.