Cancel your lunch and/or dinner plans, Chick-fil-A is free today

Chick-fil-A is giving out free entrees on July 11 for Cow Appreciation Day and there is just one condition.

People love Chick-Fil-A. People love the crispy sandwiches. People love both the Polynesian and the name-brand sauces. People love the kooky ads. (People, generally, love the political donations less and the fact the chain’s stores are closed on Sunday not at all.) Chick-fil-A loves its fans right back which is why on days like July 11, which is apparently Cow Appreciation Day, Chick-fil-A is giving away free nuggets, sandwiches, chicken biscuits, etc.

Of course, nothing in this life is truly free so to cash in on this cash cow (?), you need to arrive dressed as, you guessed it, a cow.

The rules are somewhat lenient compared to similar Cow Appreciation Day promotions in years past. A cow t-shirt will suffice, though you may become a social media star if you choose to go full cow costume. You’re not mistaken if you remembered the full outfit requirement, it did exist, but apparently Chick-fil-A just felt like being givers this year. (Chick-fil-A also separated from their previous advertising agency, which may or may not have to do with it, but more likely it’s for simplicity: less time wasted establishing what is and what is not a cow costume.)

The looks are already trickling in on Instagram and Twitter and frankly, we’re satisfied but not blown away. Shirts seem very popular:

Masks are quite cute:

Kids, dontcha know, get a whole children’s meal for dressing up:

These efforts are all nice and inspiring but frankly we’re looking forward to seeing the onesies and the two-people-in-a-high-school-play-level costumes. Also, more dogs dressed as cows, please.

In any case, swing by almost any Chick-fil-A today, Cow Appreciation Day, Tuesday July 11, and if you’re dressed even remotely like a cow, accept and enjoy your free chicken. It is a glorious thing.