February 8 is National Potato Lover’s Day: How will you celebrate?


Do you love potatoes? Friday, February 8, 2019, is National Potato Lover’s Day! How will you be celebrating?

They say every day is a holiday day and that’s certainly true, but our favorite days are definitely the ones with food involved. National Potato Lover’s Day is one of our top 10 holidays, because, who doesn’t love potatoes?

Don’t confuse this day with August 19, which is National Potato Day. While it’s not very different, we’re not complaining about potatoes getting two holidays.

On this day, all potato lovers need to unite! It’s totally fine if you celebrate together or on your own, though, just as long as potatoes are involved. After all, how can you celebrate National Potato Lover’s Day without potatoes? Need a few ideas on how to celebrate? We’re here for you!

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Celebrating National Potato Lover’s Day can be as easy and simple as going to your favorite fast food joint and ordering some fries. Whether you like them salty or fresh, there’s no wrong way of enjoying a serving of fries.

Not to diss fast food fries, but I’ve always enjoyed homemade fries a lot more myself. If you don’t have time to cook or are not in the mood for french fries (though, who isn’t?), how about a bag of potato chips? You may also add potatoes to just about anything. The possibilities are endless.

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Fun potato facts:

  • The word potato comes from the Native American word “batata.”
  • The average American eats 140 pounds of potatoes a year.
  • The largest known potato was 28 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 11.5 feet tall, it was called the “Great Big Idaho Potato.”
  • Potato chips were invented in 1853 by George Crum.
  • The potato is about 80% water and 20% solids.

What’s your favorite foodie holiday? Share with us in the comments how you’ll be celebrating!