Fast food is still living the ‘super size’ dream

We were supposed to be done with the “super size” era years ago, but today, fast food has gotten bigger in size and more fattening.

15 years ago, McDonald’s got rid of its “Super Size” option after a documentary found that it had an ugly effect on a person’s body. We thought this would bring an end to the  “super size” era, but if you look at the options presented today at multiple fast food outlets, restaurants are still living the “super size” dream.

According to a study published by Dr. Megan A. McCrory of the Department of Health Sciences at Sargent College at Boston College (long name, I know), fast food menu items have actually gotten bigger, saltier, and more fattening over the years. While many restaurants can now claim that they offer healthier options like salads, the meals that most of us go for has only gotten bigger in portions.

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To conduct their research, McCrory and her team looked at 10 of the most popular food items from McDonald’s, Dairy Queen, and KFC, and looked at those items over a 30-year period from 1986 until 2016. Not to be overlooked, the study incorporated menu items from Burger King, Carl’s Jr., Hardees, Jack In The Box, Long John Silver, Arby’s, and Wendy’s.

What they found was quite startling.

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Over the past 30-plus years, fast food outlets have expanded their menu offerings by 226 percent, and within those items, the calories, portion sizes, and sodium content have all shot up. Ever since McDonald’s got rid of the “super size” option, the notion was that fast food was starting to pay attention to their portion size.

Well, now we know, that’s not the case. If you want to read the study, click here, it’s a very interesting read.

What do you think about fast food chains still living in the “super size” era? Are you surprised? Drop a comment just below sharing your thoughts.