Krispy Kreme is doing too much with Salted Egg-Filled Donut Ring

Krispy Kreme has come out with a new Salted Egg-filed Donut Ring, and we have to ask what in God’s name were they thinking?

Looking at Krispy Kreme’s new Salted Egg-filed Donut Ring has given me serious nightmares.

I mean, what it the world was Krispy Kreme thinking when they created this abomination? I mean, I get that sugar and salt can make for a good combination, but it isn’t meant to get together all the time, and the Salted Egg-filled Donut Ring wasn’t one of them.

The Salted Egg Donut Ring made its unholy entrance into the world in Thailand, and the donut ring has a “lava egg” that “erupts” when you take a bit out of it. According to Delish, who did us the disservice of bringing birth to this abomination, the “lava egg” is a custard made from egg yolk, hence, why It has that salty taste to it.

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Does this sound appealing to you? If so, I may need to call the “white coats” to come and scoop you up.

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The Salted Egg Donut RIng will be available through June 30, and it runs 35 baht ($1 here in America). I know Thailand Krispy Kreme lovers will be egging (pun fully intended) to try this, but It would be hard for me to believe that the North Carolina-based donut chain will seriously introduce this to Americans.

We’re used to eating weird stuff, and for our fast food outlets to release some of the craziest food we’ve ever seen; but the Salted Egg-filled Donut Ring goes too far, even for Thailand.