Fresh beef carry McDonald’s to sales nirvana

McDonald’s is seeing their sales rise for the first time since forever, and they can thank working with fresh beef for breaking their sales doldrums.

McDonald’s has finally figured out the magic formula for breaking out of their sales doldrums — fresh beef Quarter Pounders.

When the company began switching out frozen, processed beef for the fresh stuff for their re-invented Quarter Pounder, many believed that it was the best decision to come out of the McDonald’s test kitchen in a long time.

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Now, sales have proved them right.

Thanks to their lineup of fresh beef Quarter Pounders, McDonald’s actually saw their market share grow fro the first time in five years. In was a long and complex odyssey for the legacy chain to reach this point.

Facing a backlash of how their “meat” was processed, McDonald’s embarked on a costly move to switch away from the frozen beef they were known and make their burgers with fresh ground beef. It was a very expensive move, costing the company over $60 million to change up its meat suppliers.

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This effort was launched in 2015, and it was considered risky, but more on the potential high-reward side for a chain that was losing market share to the likes of Wendy’s (who have long made fresh beef as part of its appeal) and Burger King, the latter of which were also in the process of re-invention in 2015.

It took some growing pains, but eventually, McDonald’s got it right, and their fresh beef Quarter Pounders led the way to their first taste of sales success since they launched the “fresh beef initiative.” In the first quarter of 2019, McDonald’s sold over 40 million Quarter Pounders, and their improving food quality hasn’t stopped at the legacy burger.

Many customers are starting to notice a stark improvement to McDonald’s menu, and if it keeps up this pace, it has a real shot at returning to glory.

So, have you tried one of McDonald’s fresh beef Quarter Pounders? If so, let me know!