Some North Carolina kids took a field trip to McDonald’s


Two third-graders in North Carolina are facing disciplinary action after taking a short field trip to their local McDonald’s.

Would you ditch school for McDonald’s? Two third-graders in North Carolina were willing to take that risk.

According to Fox News, the third-graders (whose names have yet to be released) from Holly Grove Elementary School in Holly Springs, N.C. decided that they wanted some McDonald’s for lunch. So, without the teachers catching them, the two students fled from the school grounds and made a break for the McDonald’s, which was a mile up the road. So how did the students get caught?

According to the Raleigh News and Observer, the kids were discovered missing when their recess period came to an end (this was when the kids made a break for it). After searching the campus and unable to locate the students, the school called the police to intervene.

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The two kids were spotted by a resident at a McDonald’s, and it was not known whether they were planning to head back to school or just have a Ferris Buller-style day off from school as the town also has a Dairy Queen and Chick-fil-A, two prime hangout spots for students.

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The students are now facing “appropriate disciplinary action” and staff will use the incident to “use this as a learning opportunity to continue to improve our supervisory practices,” Sarah Simmons, principal of Holly Grove Elementary, told the News and Observer. The two students will also face severe consequences for their actions.

Let’s hope those chicken nuggets and fries were worth it. Don’t try this at home (or school), kids!