Here’s why you should celebrate National Taco Day at Taco Bell

Photo: Taco Bell for National Taco Day, photo courtesy Taco Bell
Photo: Taco Bell for National Taco Day, photo courtesy Taco Bell /

It may seem weird to celebrate National Taco Day at Taco Bell, but there is a really good reason why you should head to the Bell for this special food day.

The first question I imagine readers asking in their minds (and aloud) is why would anyone want to celebrate National Taco Day at Taco Bell? To some, the mere thought of celebrating this holistic holiday at a fast-food chain would send chills down the spines of taco devotees. I know it did when I thought of this column.

But that’s exactly what I did after scaring myself to death — think, and what came out of that thought process was something vastly different from what I originally thought was going to come out of the other end. Man, that’s a lot of thinking. Oh, shoot, I’m getting off track. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh.

What came out was a reason why people should celebrate National Taco Day at Taco Bell. I know, once again, it sounds crazy, but there is a sound reason as to why this would be natural. Are you ready?

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Well, the reason is that Taco Bell is the healthiest fast food option in America. No, I’m not kidding, this fast food chain is the healthiest fast food chain in the country. For a while now, Taco Bell has offered healthier options than its competitors, meaning that one could gorge on all the tacos they want at Taco Bell, and not see a horror number on the weight scale.

Heck, Taco Bell could be healthier than the mom-and-pop taco spot that you much prefer over the supposedly over-processed imitators at Taco Bell. Let that soak in for a moment.

Does it scare you? Does it?

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So this National Taco Day, why don’t you “make a run for the border” and indulge in some Taco Bell tacos? It will truly be worth it, and this is coming from an author that could care less about the chain.  Life is truly crazy.

Where will you be celebrating National Taco Day?