JOJO’s Chocolate is the undiscovered gem you need to quiet down your cravings! Here’s where you can get your own (and how they really taste like).
The biggest obstacle we face when we are trying to take on a healthier lifestyle or pick up a diet, are cravings. Letting our favorite sweets and junk food go ain’t easy! We understand this better than anyone, being Guilty Eats and all. So it’s always a major win when we find a healthy substitution to our guilty pleasures. In this case, it’s chocolates, and JOJO’s Chocolate has swooped in to help.
JOJO’s Chocolate is not a new product. The brand has been around for a few years, but have yet to be discovered by the masses. With healthy lifestyles being such a hot trend these days, it’s JOJO’s time to shine! The company mailed over several samples for me to try and I’m here with all the information you need to know, including my very honest opinion!
First, the facts! These are the first ever chocolates to have added plant-based protein, which is already very cool. Not only do these not have nearly the same amount of sugar and calories, but they are literally better for you, too.

JOJO’s are also keto-approved, paleo, vegan, non-gmo, gluten-free, and soy-free. But now for what you truly want to know: How do they taste? Are they any good? Do they have that obvious “healthy” taste?
When it comes to sweets, there are two kinds of people: Those who LOVE the sugar rush their taste buds experience, and those who prefer little to no sugar in their lemonade. I’m somewhere in between. While I do enjoy a candy and chocolate here and there, my guilty pleasure are salty foods! So, with chocolates, I don’t mind much if it doesn’t have too much sugar. JOJO’s Chocolate, for example, taste just fine to me!
Can the flavor satisfy that sweetness and melt-in-your-mouth chocolatey bite from, say, a Kit Kat or Hershey’s bar? No. Not even close. But it will introduce your taste buds to new flavors that it’ll find satisfying. What JOJO’s will do is quiet down your cravings as these will do the trick in providing a snack and flavor.
Do they have that “healthy” taste? Yes! You won’t be fooled into thinking you are eating a regular chocolate bar, but hey, that’s okay! These won’t put you off, either. And my piece of advice is to try one out with a bold flavor to get the most out of it.
The pistachio chocolate for example, may not cut it for you. I suggest you instead try Goes Hawaiian or Peanut Butter Delight for a bigger kick of flavor. You can also get creative! Chop up the bars and add them to your yogurt for an amazing start to your mornings.
Find JOJO’s Chocolate online and order directly from their website HERE or Amazon.