Tabasco Sauce: Fun facts about this popular hot sauce

New Rocoto Pepper Sauce from Tabasco, photo provided by Tobasco
New Rocoto Pepper Sauce from Tabasco, photo provided by Tobasco /

What do you know about Tabasco Sauce?

While Tabasco Sauce might come in multiple flavors, there is something about the original that calls to our taste buds on every level. And when it comes to hot sauce brands, Tabasco is often the first one we reach for, making it truly the cream of the crop when it comes to adding a kick to our dishes.

In honor of National Hot Sauce Day on Jan. 22, we are taking a look at some interesting facts about the sauce. From fun facts to interesting tidbits, these are some of the things we learned about this iconic brand and its delicious hot sauce.

Fun facts about Tabasco Sauce in honor of National Hot Sauce Day

  • There are currently nine flavors of Tabasco Sauce, including the Original. The other eight flavors are Green Jalapeno Sauce, Chipotle Pepper Sauce, Cayenne Garlic Sauce, Habanero Pepper Sauce, Scorpion Sauce, Sriracha Sauce, Sweet & Spicy Sauce, and finally Buffalo Style Hot Sauce.
  • This hot sauce is actually sold in over 185 countries and territories. And because of this global reach, it should come as no surprise that it is also labelled in 22 different languages and dialects.
  • In one, two ounce bottle of Tabasco Sauce there are 720 drops! (It only takes a drop to make a difference in your meal, so this number is impressive.)
  • Founded in 1868 by Edmund McIlhenny on Avery Island, Tabasco Sauce is still made on that very same island which is located approximately 140 miles west of New Orleans. And not only that, but nearly half of the company’s employees actually live on the island, in the same place where their own ancestors, who also worked for the company, lived.
  • Perhaps the most fascinating thing about Tabasco Sauce is the fact that the Pepper Sauce is actually made using just three ingredients, making it a shockingly simple product considering how much flavor is packed into every single drop. So what are the ingredients in this hot sauce? The three ingredients needed for the Pepper Sauce are oak-barrel aged heirloom peppers, vinegar, and salt.

There are a lot of reasons to love Tabasco Sauce. From the way it tastes to the fact that there are actually multiple sauces to love, and even its heritage and history, this is a brand that remains a staple of pantries everywhere. There may be a lot of hot sauce options on the market, but we all know that Tabasco is at the top of our list every single time.

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Are you a fan of hot sauce? Which brand is your favorite? Did you know these facts about Tabasco? Tell us in the comments.