Reed’s Inc. takes their handcrafted sodas and introduces new resealable bottles

Reed’s Inc. Launches First-Ever Resealable Bottles. Image courtesy Reed's Inc.
Reed’s Inc. Launches First-Ever Resealable Bottles. Image courtesy Reed's Inc. /

Fans of Reed’s Ginger Ale, Virgil’s Root Beer, and Virgil’s Dr. Better can now snag their favorite handcrafted soda in a new packaging. Sure we all love a cold can of root beer or ginger ale, but sometimes you just want a sip and you’re hoping to save that soda without it going flat. And that means we need resealable bottles in our lives.

According to a press release from Reed’s Inc., not only does the classic Reed’s Ginger Ale now come in resealable bottles, but so do Virgil’s Handcrafted Root Beer and Virgil’s Handcrafted Dr. Better.

By opting to go in a new direction with their packaging, this opens the door for Reed’s to make its way into more retail stores and opportunities. And while we all know that you can buy canned sodas in retail stores nationwide, when it comes to on-the-go options, having plastic bottles can make all the difference.

In an effort to make their sodas not only more convenient, but also more accessible, Reed’s and Virgil’s sodas will be available “at retailers in the refrigerated and single-serve aisles” primarily.

Reed’s and Virgil’s handcrafted sodas can now be purchased in resealable bottles

Reed’s Inc. Launches First-Ever Resealable Bottles. Image courtesy Reed’s Inc.
Reed’s Inc. Launches First-Ever Resealable Bottles. Image courtesy Reed’s Inc. /

According to the CEO of Reed’s Inc, Norman E. Snyder,

"Launching our first resealable bottles marks a significant growth moment for Reed’s and Virgil’s as we enter new retail channels and increase our footprint at grocery stores nationwide. There is limited natural soda options that are available in c-store and convenience, and we have witnessed a demand from retailers and consumer alike for healthier and convenient alternatives.This innovation follows our tradition of bringing REAL, all-natural beverage options to our customers, and now with the versatile packaging, they have our better-for-you choices that can easily be enjoyed anywhere at any time."

If you are a fan of Reed’s and Virgil’s, you’ll be happy to know that these new resealable bottles are available now in stores such as Kroger, CVS, and other convenience stores across the country. As an added bonus, we can also order our bottles right online for delivery straight to our door.

I don’t know about you, but I am pretty excited by this news. Sometimes you don’t want an entire can and if you get busy, your soda goes flat before you can enjoy it. At least this way, we can preserve the effervescence of our soda for as long as possible.

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Are you a fan of Reed’s and Virgil’s? What do you think of them adding resealable bottles to their packaging options? Tell us in the comments below.