Is Snickers one of the best candy bars?
If we’re talking about the best candy bars, we can’t have a list without Snickers. It’s chocolate, it’s caramel, it’s nougat and it’s peanuts. It’s literally impossible for it to be bad. Well, unless you’re like my grandma and keep candy around from last Christmas. Then maybe…don’t eat it, but I digress.
Whether you’re eating the full-size bar or the fun-size out of your kid’s Halloween stash, a Snickers is never a bad idea. It has everything most people want from candy. While Snickers has come out with some new flavors, the original is still the best.
The history behind Snickers is really not as interesting as the bar itself. The candy bar was named after Frank Mars’ horse, Snickers. He was the son of the owner of Mars and they simply went with that name. Little did they know how explosive the Snickers bar was going to be.
The bar started its life with a bit of a controversy. When it first came out, it cost 20 cents. The horror! People were so used to paying a nickel for their candy that they were shocked by the high price. If only candy still cost that much today!
But the high price didn’t seem to affect sales because the bar is still around (at a much higher price) and the company is selling approximately 400 million Snickers bars per year in the US. Clearly, we love some chocolate, caramel, and nuts! It wouldn’t have stuck around this long without people loving it.