Welcome to the week before the Easter 2022 holiday mini season, as I like to call it, folks! It a time of pink candies, marshmallow eggs, Easter bunnies, and tons of different forms of some sort of an Easter Egg Hunt – both for kids and adults alike! What’s one thing that’s always constant? Peeps!
What you may know about Peeps is just the surface level of facts about them! There are so many other things that you may not even realize are true, and we are here to take you through them all!
Buckle up, y’all! We’re about to leave on a super sweet, colorful, and sticky journey!
Here are the top 10 facts about Peeps that just may surprise us all! Let’s chat!
In no sort of particular order or anything like that, here are the top 10 facts about our most fave marshmallow Easter chicks that may surprise you – some you may even know already!
1. The most popular color of Peeps is…
Yup, you might have actually guessed this one…it’s yellow! From the beginning, yellow has been the most popular and well-loved color by Peeps fans. To this day, it still is! (Pink comes in second, with our beloved blue coming in third.)
2. This astronomical amount of Peeps that are made every day
Believe it or not, just over 5.5 million Peeps are made everyday! That sounds like a ton to me, but obviously they are a fan favorite if the company keeps producing them, right?!
3. The shape that most people prefer
In a survey that the company did, roughly 61% of people surveyed preferred a certain shape of Peeps over the other. The winning shape was…chicks over bunnies! Interesting…
4. Peeps are ___ old
These cool chicks were first introduced into this world back in 1953, so that makes them…carry the one…69 years old…nice. Obviously people like you and me love these because they’re still around!
5. This is how long it USED to take to make a Peep…
Back in 1953 when the first Peep first peeked into this world, each chick was actually hand made using a pastry piping bag, taking 27 hours to make just one. Now, it only takes 6 minutes…wow!

6. Has the Peeps recipe ever changed or always remained the exact same?
It’s still the same all these years later! Here’s how it works: start with granulated sugar boiling, liquid sugar, corn starch, then later add in gelatin and vanilla in for the classic marshmallow flavor!
7. Peeps are destructible, but what isn’t?
We all know that it is super fun to put two chicks into the microwave and watch one Peep fight and completely obliterate the other one, am I right or what?! Under many other tests, Peeps melted and all that, but what was never destroyed? The eyes. Super creepy if you ask us…
8. Here’s something for the sugar-watchers
These classic marshmallow Easter favorites do actually come in a sugar-free variety, in fact, there are actually some in my pantry right now as we speak. They first hit the shelves in 2007 and have remained the same ever since!
9. Peeps are celebrated on NYE somewhere…but where?
In Bethlehem, PA, instead of NYC’s classic ball drop, they drop a classic yellow Peep from the sky that also flashed different colors for a rainbow effect. Okay, I really wanna be there on NYE!
10. Peeps used to have…
Wings! Believe it or not, the classic chick shape that you know and love so well used to be able to fly…well, kinda…That only lasted two years from 1953-1955 in order to make them look and take on a more modern affect. I’d like to see the wings, though!
What was your favorite fact about Peeps that you heard from our list? What’s one that we missed that you think is so cool? Happy Easter, y’all! Let’s chat!