Code Red: MTN DEW Energy’s newest flavor

MTN DEW ENERGY Debuts New CODE RED Flavor. Image courtesy MTN DEW
MTN DEW ENERGY Debuts New CODE RED Flavor. Image courtesy MTN DEW

Mountain Dew Code Red has been a long-standing favorite of Dew fans everywhere. Many people, including myself, love the red-colored, cherry flavored soda. Last week, Code Red debuted as the newest MTN DEW ENERGY flavor.

For those who are not familiar with MTN DEW ENERGY beverages, these are low-sugar energy drinks that came to market in March of 2021. They have 180 mg of caffeine, zinc, vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and zero added sugar. According to the website, these drinks contain citicoline and caffeine which “in combination have been shown to help improve attention.”

MTN DEW ENERGY Code Red has been available in select retailers since September 12th. It now joins Baja Blast and Cherry Lime Lift as the newest flavors in the ENERGY line. The classic core flavors available include: Strawberry Melon Spark, Orange Breeze, Peach Mango Dawn, Pomegranate Blueberry Burst and Tropical Sunrise.

The newest flavor comes packaged in a bright red, 16 fl. ounce can. This differs from the silver cans that the core flavors come in. Is this to differentiate it from the Cherry Lift flavor? Or is it possibly to note a limited edition release?

MTN DEW ENERGY adds Code Red to its flavor lineup!

MTN DEW ENERGY’s Twitter tagline notes: “Energy to conquer the morning.” The caffeine in the beverage is equal to approximately 2 cups of coffee. So, if you’re not a coffee drinker but need a little caffeine boost in the morning, you may want to give MTN DEW ENERGY a try.

I have to admit that I personally have never tried MTN DEW ENERGY. I prefer a morning cup of coffee to get my day started. While it’s still too early for online reviews of the new Code Red flavor, there are many established fans of the ENERGY line of drinks.

Guilty Eaters, are you a fan of MTN DEW ENERGY? Are you excited about the new Code Red flavor addition?