ALDI is one of those stores that everyone loves for multiple reasons: great quality, cheap prices. There are so many ALDI stans out there that will tell you that they live and breathe ALDI.
There are also some people out there who will do nothing but recommend different must-have items from there, and that’s what we’re here to talk about today.
Which must-have items from ALDI are your personal favorites? Let’s chat!
In no particular order, here are the Top 17 Must-Have Items from ALDI:
17. S’Mores Jumbo Cookie Mix
Price: $4.99
When this first came out back in the Summer of 2020, it went over so well that ALDI just knew that they had to bring it back the next year…and then the next…and then the next. This super cute little dessert kit is perfect for serving a group of people around a campfire, or what the heck, save the whole thing for yourself; we don’t judge!
16. Blueberry Pancakes and Sausage Sticks
Price: $4.99
If you’re a blueberry stan, lover, and they’re all you think about much like myself, then you’re in luck! You’re also in luck if you’ve ever been a huge fan of the regular pancake and sausage on a stick versions from a variety of brands. You’ve got your sweet, you’ve got your savory and salty. What more could you possibly want in a breakfast?!
15. Frozen Cocktail Popsicles
Price: $18.95/24 count box
If you’re an adult who’s sick and tired of stealing all of the kids’ popsicles and always having to buy them more, then you’re in luck! ALDI is now selling their version of Costco’s alcoholic frozen popsicles. Here are the six (6) different flavors that they come in: Grab Apple, Grape-Flavored Purple Party, Modern Mango, Cherry Lips, Punk Lemonade, and Blue Raspberry-Flavored Blue Ice (bound to be the most popular one of the bunch – and probably would be mine as well). Drink up!
14. Pumpkin & Sage Ravioli
Price: $Unknown
There are many reviews out there of people saying how undeniably sweet and savory that these pillowy little pastas taste. A lot of people recommend serving it with some sort of brown butter sauce, and let me tell you, while I haven’t personally tried these quite yet, I cannot wait to!

13. Belgian Cocoa Dusted Truffles
Price: $2.99
If you’re not a chocolate stan and only a mild chocolate fan, then I’d probably stay away from these. They just look like they’d be super rich and make your gums hurt, but nonetheless still have a super delicious flavor. Have any of you tried these yet? If so, let us know!
12. Barissimo Coffee
Price: $Unknown
This is definitely one of those coffee products out there that certainly gets people’s attentions. ALDI’s particular line of these coffees has included some pretty dang near out-there flavors, such as Maple Bacon and even Bourbon (which both sound odd but still somewhat good-tasting to me). I’m not quite too sure what their flavor range is link now, but definitely check them out if you’re a coffee lover, snob, and/or hound much like myself and let me know what you think of it!
11. L’Oven Fresh Zero Net Card Bread
Price: $4.95
I believe that this particular bread product comes in both white and wheat flavor varieties. Whichever one you prefer, I’m sure both are great options if this is what you’re looking for!
10. Emporium Selection Cheeses
Price: $3.95+
Now, this isn’t one particular type of cheese, but some of the best/most popular varieties, according to a blog called The Cheese Professor, include White Cheddar, Manchego, French Brie Bites, and Borgonzola, just to name a few. Which one’s your fave? Let’s chat cheeses!
9. Happy Farms String Cheese
Price: $2.99
I put this particular product on this list simply because I liked the name of the brand. Upon doing some ALDI string cheese reviews research, I came to find that this, along with the brand’s ‘pizza-style’ cheese is among some of ALDI’s all-time fave products among their regular visitors. Thoughts?
8. Dark Chocolate Coated Frozen Bananas
Price: $3.49
These come from the specific particular brand of Sundae Shop and you can either get them in a milk chocolate or in a dark chocolate variety. They are the most perfect frozen guilt-free snack if you’re someone like me who loves a good ice cream night sitting around the TV watching movies. Also always a good snack for kids as well I’m sure.
7. PurAqua Belle Vie Sparkling Flavored Water
Price: $3.19
This particular brand of sparkling water has both flavored versions as well as a plain unflavored version for those who either just need a little bubbles in their water or like to enjoy using it as a drink mixer. Here are all six (6) the fan-favorite flavors that ALDI sells: Lemon-Lime, Berry, Grapefruit, Pure (plain & unflavored), Tangerine, and Passionfruit. Which one is your own fave?
6. ALDI Creamy Almond Butter
Price: $Unknown
This is the most perfect nut-butter alternative for those with a peanut-specific allergy of some sort. It comes in a creamy variety, although it’s unknown when and if this particular brand will be coming out with a crunchy brand of it as well. Would a crunchy almond butter be good?
5. Mama Cozzi’s Take & Bake Cheesy Breadsticks
Price: $4.39
These just look good in all of these pictures, and they’re uncooked within the package(s). I personally have not tried these yet, but in all honesty, these will be at my next party guaranteed!
4. Casa Mamita Cinnamon Sugar Churros
Price: $3.49
These come in three different varieties: plain, apple-filled, and creme-filled. Personally, I would enjoy all three of these, but there’s definitely some OG churro stans out there who would just love to agree to disagree with me and you know what – that’s totally okay and alright with me! These come frozen and ready to fry, bake, air-fry, or however you choose to eat them! Either way, enjoy!
3. Huntington Home Candles
Price: $4.29
Before everyone starts coming at me in the comments, yeah I know that this particular item isn’t edible, so don’t go and get any ideas, but I just absolutely had to include these on this list because while I personally haven’t had one of my own, I have been to people’s house who have had them lit and man do they smell good. Here are some of the fan-fave scents out there that all of the OG ALDI-lovers are just still going absolutely nuts over:
2. Flavored Hummus
Price: $2.75
There are many different flavors out there, but to spare you some of the boring details, here are some of the most stand-out flavors that everyone knows and loves super well: Carrot Cake, Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake, Lemon Dill, and Significantly Spicy just to name a few.
1. Belmont Cookies & Cream Scrumptious Cheesecake Dessert Bars
Price: $4.49
Some people say that since these are an ALDI-exclusive find that once they’re gone, they’re gone. So if you’re reading this and you’re thinking of putting them on next week’s grocery list, you might be sadly mistaken. But don’t worry I’m sure there are plenty of different alternatives for you too!
That’s a wrap on our list of the Top 17 Must-Have Items from ALDI! Which items on this list do you agree/disagree with? What, if anything, did we miss? Let’s chat down below and as always…Eat up, be safe, and enjoy, y’all!!