Nature Valley has had its nut bars for a while now. How do I know it’s been a while? Because I eat one of their peanut butter bars every day. Yeah…I have a peanut butter problem but I digress. The brand is stepping out of its comfort zone and recently came out with savory snack bars.
While the peanuts butter, almond, and other bars they have come out with aren’t exactly super sweet, they are definitely more sweet than the brand’s new additions. What are the new flavors? They include Everything Bagel, Smoky BBQ, and White Cheddar.
The Everything Bagel tastes EXACTLY like an everything bagel, just way more crispy than you would ever want a bagel to be. The Smoky BBQ is like a more intense BBQ-flavor potato chip, and the White Cheddar is everything you want in a crunchy cheese snack.
And while there are plenty of other snacks that come in flavors like these, these Nature Valley bars are way more portable and easy to carry around since they come in individual packs.
Nature Valley brings out new savory snack bars

If you’re looking to try them yourself, all you have to do is head to your local grocery store. They are already available there and are $4.79 for a box of five. If these turn out to be popular, they should definitely make a combo box where the flavors are mixed together.
Nature Valley notes in the press release for these new flavorful bars that they wanted to come out with something that didn’t use sugars or syrups and they definitely accomplished that goal. These bars only have two grams of sugar.
Have you tried these new savory Nature Valley bars yet? If so, what’s your favorite flavor? Let us know in the comments below!