It’s time to meet the classically trained bakers competing on Crime Scene Kitchen season 2. And just like in the first episode where we met the home bakers, after two challenges one team will be sent home.
With $100,000 on the line, everyone wants to either win the “Safety Bake” or avoid elimination during the second baking challenge. Our teams have just two minutes to explore the crime scene kitchen, and some of the clues are piping tips, a note to recreate donuts from two days ago, maple syrup, bacon, and a receipt from 14 days earlier with donut flavors listed.
Does any of this mean anything to these bakers? Hopefully the answer is yes. All we know is that they need to make two donuts for the judges. So what did our bakers end up making for this Safety Bake?
Crime Scene Kitchen season 2 introduces us to the classically trained bakers competing

For this first challenge the classically trained Crime Scene Kitchen bakers made:
- Bob and Vikki – Mixed Berry Jam Filled Donut with Maple Bacon
- Ricky and DJ – They made two donuts: A White Chocolate Vanilla Glaze and a Maple Bacon Donut with a Donut Hole on top
- Amber and Yassmeen – They made three flavors of donuts: A Maple Bacon Donut, a Blueberry Donut, and a Raspberry Jam Donut
- Jenae and Christina – They made a Maple Bacon Bar Donut.
- Sherry and Sally – They made a Strawberry Jam filled, a Blueberry Jam filled, and a Maple Bacon donut. And all three are yeasted donuts.
- Laissa and Camille – They made three donuts: A Chocolate Glazed, a Raspberry Jam filled, and a Strawberry donut.
So what were the donuts that the bakers were supposed to make? The crime scene kitchen clues should have had the bakers making a Chocolate Glazed Boston Crème, two Sprinkle donuts, and a Strawberry-Filled Sugared donut. The winners of safety ended up being Laissa and Camille!
The crime scene kitchen is open again for two minutes and there are new clues to uncover including three pieces of parchment rounds, a mixing bowl with merengue in it, and an open almond flour container.
Ultimately, with these clues our five teams of bakers trying to avoid elimination all seem to come up with their own interpretations of the clues, with a few teams seemingly coming to the same conclusions.
What did our bakers end up baking in this elimination challenge?
- Bob and Vikki – They made an almond dacquoise made with strawberries and blueberries.
- Ricky and DJ – They made a three layer pavlova with a few berries.
- Amber and Yassmeen – They made a cocoa macaron cake with berries.
- Jenae and Christina – These two also made a three layer dacquoise with berries (and it was underbaked).
- Sherry and Sally – They also made a pavlova, but theirs was a bit messier.
So what was the mystery dessert? Ultimately, the bakers should have made a Pavlova cake with berries.
Sadly, the baking team that was sent home was Jenae and Christina because it was the least well-executed dessert of the cakes that were incorrect.