Back in 2012, the satirical website The Onion published a story titled “Arby's Now Charging $2.99 To Let Customers Go Behind Counter, Grab Handfuls Of Roast Beef.“ Now, 12 years later, we’re not quite there yet. But for the low price of “free,” you can grab yourself a sandwich at Arby’s once a week for the month of April.
“During Free Sandwich Month, we’re putting our money where our mouth is with our biggest rewards promotion to date,” said Ellen Rose, Arby’s Chief Marketing Officer said via press release. “Arby’s sandwiches are so delicious, which is why Free Sandwich Month is the perfect opportunity for any skeptics out there to try any of the sandwiches they’ve been eyeing. We’re so confident that our sandwiches will turn even the biggest Arby’s disbeliever into a fan that we’re willing to give them four free trials throughout the month of April.”
I’ll be honest, it’s surprising to see Arby’s so upfront about people being skeptical of their roast beef restaurant. In fact, there’s a lot more on the menu, but once you read that Onion article, and hear the rumor that Arby’s is “R.B.” for “Roast Beef” – it’s not, it’s actually the initials of the Raffel Brothers, the founders of the chain – it’s hard to not equate Arby’s and one type of meat only.
So, back to the offer, which was first reported by the Fast Food Post. First you of course need to sign up for Arby’s reward program. Next, you’ll automatically have a free sandwich deal loaded into your account for use in the app or online, once a week. Then, go to Arby’s and get your sandwich. That last is almost the most crucial part, because as of yet we haven’t developed technology to make sandwiches walk (those are called “cows”).
Additionally, Arby’s has chosen four people skeptical about the restaurant chain and are hooking them up to biometric scanners as they try Arby’s sandwiches. Will they be electrocuted if they don’t like them? Probably not, but check out the @Arby’s social accounts to see who will die next. Sorry, I mean “try next.”