Daylight Savings Time is here once again and after losing an hour of sleep over the weekend, you might end up struggling to start your week. Luckily, Planet Oat is here to help.
In partnership with Jennie Garth, the brand is setting out to make our Mondays less tired and more satisfying. And how are they doing that? With pop ups in select cities! According to the press email that we received, "Bright and early on Monday, March 11th, look out for the “Better Reset with Planet Oat” coffee carts in New York City, Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia to let a bit of goodness lead the way and get a nutritious and tasty start to your day."
This is a chance to try Planet Oat if you haven't or get a favorite if you have. Not only will you be able to get a cup of coffee, but they are also offering blueberry muffins and overnight oats that have been made with "Planet Oat Extra Creamy and Unsweetened Original Oatmilk."
This is pretty exciting for those of us who are going to be struggling to get through the days after the time change. And we even had a chance to chat with Jennie Garth about her partnership with Planet Oat and some of her own favorites!
Jennie Garth talks about her Planet Oat partnership for Daylight Savings

Guilty Eats: Can you tell us about your partnership with Planet Oat?
Jennie Garth: "Well, the better reset is about daylight savings and that Monday after daylight savings really kind of hits harder than other Mondays. So I just think it's really cool that Planet Oat is doing these pop ups in major cities and bringing Planet Oat milk to people that might not normally drink it or try it. So through these pop ups they're gonna get coffee with Planet Oat and then they're gonna get muffins made with Planet Oat, and they're gonna get overnight oats and that's all for free. The pop ups are happening on the Monday following the reset and I think it's just really cool. A great way to introduce people to a plant based alternative."
Guilty Eats: What's your favorite way to use Planet Oat?
Jennie Garth: " I don't use any dairy so I use it in everything, baking and cooking and my smoothies every single morning. So it's a part of my life, my routine. But I would have to say smoothie."
Guilty Eats: Since we are called Guilty Eats, we want to know what is your guilty eat.
Jennie Garth: "I am the worst right now because I'm depriving myself of even those guilty days. But like I love rice so much. I love white rice so much with plant based butter on it. If ever I'm feeling down or my body hurts or it's not been a great day, all I want is a bowl of rice, white rice."
To learn more about Planet Oat and their Daylight Savings pop up, check out their Instagram account here.
Will you be checking out the Planet Oat pop ups? Are you a fan of the brand? How will you be handling Daylight Savings this year?