Portion Problems: Chipotle CEO confirms portions will increase amid customer complaints

The Chipotle portion saga that has lasted all summer could finally be coming to an end.
Chipotle portions will begin to increase after CEO announcement
Chipotle portions will begin to increase after CEO announcement | Brandon Bell/GettyImages

When you visit fast-casual places like Panda Express, Qdoba, Chipotle, and others, it is easy to feel like you are being cheated on how much food you receive. It often feels like there is no industry standard, and you are at the mercy of whoever is scooping your chicken. However, Chipotle is making a change that will make fans happy.

After months of public outcry, company CEO Brian Niccol confirmed that bowls and burritos will be seeing an increase in portion sizing to satisfy disgruntled customers.

"We are re-emphasizing training and coaching around ensuring we are consistently making bowls and burritos correct. We also have leaned in and re-emphasized generous portions across all of our restaurants," he said in an earnings call to investors.

The major announcement should come as music to the ears of Chipotle fans who have felt slighted by the company. Those who may have migrated to Qdoba or other locations can return to the popular spot for bowls and burritos.

How did we get to this point, you might ask? It all began like most things do, with a viral TikTok post that highlighted the company's shortcomings with portions. From there, popular influencers like Keith Lee shared their thoughts, and people even began to pull their phones out to guilt workers into adding more food to their bowls or burritos.

Flash forward to July, and it seems people are finally getting what they want, as the CEO confirmed that portions will increase. And now we can only hope we get a hearty amount of chicken or whatever your protein of choice is.

Ultimately, it seems again, the internet has won. No more asking for two scoops of chicken -- to equal what should be a regular portion -- and then having to pay extra money for it.

Does this convince you to return to your local Chipotle? Were you holding out from going before?