Check it out, McDonald’s has it very own merch

Would you wear McDonalds socks? If the answer is yes, great, your in luck. McDonald’s has its very own line of merch.

Oh yes. You read the title right. McDonald’s has its very own line of merch. Who would have thought the kings of the fast food joint, the inventors of the Big Mac and the McFlurry would move into the clothing industry.

It wasn’t long ago that brand names were popping up every and being slapped on everything. No matter where you went someone would be wearing something that displayed a particular brand. Those days were presumed dead and gone. However, but it looks like McDonald’s just didn’t get that message.

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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Aiming to strike a cord with their younger target audience golden arches are appearing on clothing again. GQ magazine shared the announcement first and their thoughts on the matter.

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You can clearly see the clothing in this Instagram shot by McDonalds showing of the merch.

Now while fashion has certainly produced its own very questionable lines, and I am certainly no expert in the fashion industry. This does seem to be going a bit far. Would you honestly wear this?

McDonald’s, you are a wonderful brand, everyone has visited you at some point in their lives, but stick to fast food. Merch is not your thing. I could be wrong though. Maybe I have just reached that age where I finally just don’t get it. What do you think?

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Would you wear the McDonalds merch? Or is this step too far for the fast-food chain? Drop a comment below sharing your thoughts.