Krispy Kreme opens up it’s very first store in Ireland

Krispy Kreme has officially landed in Ireland and hundreds of fans immediately turned up on opening day to be some of Ireland’s very first customers.

Ireland has finally got itself a Krispy Kreme store. Located in North Dublin, the US doughnut company opened up its doors for the very first time on Irish soil to a see of anxious waiting customers.

Hundred’s turned up for the opening of the store in order to be some of the very first customers. Krispy Kreme bosses obviously predicated such a turnout, as this particular donut chain comes equipped with a drive-thru.

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An option that most of us the US will be familiar with, but they are few and far between in UK outlets.

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With the drive-thru option equipped the Krispy Kreme outlet is expected to offer a 24 hours service. You won’t be able to go into the store 24 hours a day, but you can certainly place an order and collect via the drive-thru 24 hours a day.

The store is also expected to be open seven days a week.

Offering 16 different doughnuts options to customers, Irish fans of the company can enjoy all of the classic doughnuts, such as the Krispy Kreme Glazed original. No doubt festive, or limited edition doughnuts will become available as the year goes on as well.

They will also offer the typical, tea, coffee and milkshakes that all other stores offer.

If the store has even a touch of the success the Stoland based store had, the store will be in high demand, so make sure you take the time to pay a visit while you can before they run out all the stock.

What do you think of Kripsy Kreme opening in Ireland? Will you pay a visit? Drop a comment below with your thoughts.