Chrissy Teigen asked Twitter for the healthiest fast food joint and the answers are hilarious


Chrissy Teigen wanted to know the healthiest fast food joint. Did she really expect serious answers?

When you ask Twitter a question, never expect people to give honest answers, right? Definitely, never expect a serious one. Chrissy Teigen learned her lesson when she took to Twitter to ask for the healthiest fast food joint.

It turns out that she agrees Nando’s is, by far, the healthiest. And I agree with her about not taking this place for granted. I don’t have one near me and miss it — it’s the go-to place whenever in an area with a Nando’s.

Other than that, what can you get that’s not a side? What can you get that definitely isn’t a salad, because as one person said, you might as well get a Big Mac? Well, there weren’t many serious answers. Those who were serious came up with Popeye’s.

While we’re talking about Popeye’s, there was a request in the tweeted replies for Teigen. For those who don’t know, she’s married to Jesus Christ Superstar‘s John Legend.

One user had an answer that is a little questionable. Honestly, I’m not sure which fast food place you can go for alcohol. Although, I’ve got to admit that Weight Watchers did have Vodka as one of the lowest pointed options on their list!

By the way, there are apparently some places that will let you use the lettuce as the bun instead of the bread. This will certainly drop down the calories but I’m not sure it’s all that taste. And surely that gets a little bit messy.

There is one user who suggested that but then mentioned a side. I guess removing the bun does give more calories for the fries.

In the end, there were some excellent, sensible answers. Many users have voted Wendy’s chili and potatoes as the go-to option when they want something healthy. It may not be the best for those who need something with little sugar, but there is plenty of protein and fiber in the mix. Plus, potatoes are complex carbs rather than simple, which is good for keeping the sugar countdown.

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Chick-fil-A nuggets also made it on the list from plenty of users. While people may not believe in the same politics, nobody can deny that the chicken is tasty.

Apparently, it’s worth staying away from Burger King’s grilled chicken. It’s not that the grilled chicken isn’t healthy, but every time people go there, the grilled chicken isn’t available. That sounds a lot like the McDonald’s ice cream and milkshakes, to be honest.

There is really only one answer that really counts in our opinion, though. This we can get behind:

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What would your answer be? If you had to choose a fast food joint with a healthy option, what would it be? Can we ask for serious answers only, please?