Chuao Chocolatier chocolates offer unique flavors that work

Photo: Chuao Gourmet Chocolates.. Image by Kimberley Spinney
Photo: Chuao Gourmet Chocolates.. Image by Kimberley Spinney

Reviewing various Chuao Chocolatier flavors

Sometimes, there are  perks to writing for GuiltyEats and that includes being sent chocolate! Chuao Chocolatier sent me a box of chocolate and I practically screamed when it came to the door. I wrote about their selection of Americana-inspired chocolates earlier this year and that was the catalyst to me getting a box of chocolate delivered to my door (don’t get me started on how pretty the packaging was)!

But let’s get to the important part. What does the chocolate taste like? I received a bunch of different flavors (sorry, white chocolate fans. Only milk and dark are allowed here) so let’s go through each one.

Breaking down the different flavors of Chuao Chocolatier chocolates


Ok, this one comes with a story. When I was younger, probably around five, I tried Pop Rocks for the first time. I wasn’t sure what they were supposed to do so when they started popping in my mouth…I started crying.

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Well, jump to the present day when I tried this chocolate bar with dark chocolate, chipotle, popping candy, and salt . The flashbacks I had!! I hadn’t had Pop Rocks since that moment so again, I didn’t know what to expect. It was way better than my first Pop Rocks experience and I didn’t cry! Small victories.

The Firecracker chocolate bar is definitely one of my new favorites and the name describes it perfectly. It’s a little spicy and the popping is subtle but definitely there. The chocolate is smooth as silk. I don’t think I’ve had chocolate that’s this good. You definitely have to like your dark chocolate bitter but I do, so I loved it.

Mintfully Brownie

If you like brownies and mint chocolate chip ice cream, this is for you. It doesn’t have the artificial mint taste like you might have experienced before. This tastes like biting into a fresh mint leaf along with a sprinkling of salt and the same smooth af dark chocolate that’s in the Firecracker.

It also has brownie bites in it which might as well be the crunchy pieces from a batch of homemade brownies so really, what’s not to like??

Potato Chip

Ok, you know that Ben and Jerry’s flavor with the potato chips they made with Jimmy Fallon? I always looked at that and thought “no thank you.” Now that I’ve tried Chuao Chocolatier’s version of chocolate and potato chips, I have been changed! It’s so good.

I should’ve known it would be good because I love salty and sweet (I have never turned down a chocolate-covered pretzel). Of all the flavors I tried, I think this is my favorite. It’s simply the perfect mix.

Salted Chocolate Crunch

This one I already expected to love because it has a baguette covered in chocolate on the front. Bread and chocolate: my two favorite food groups! I was a little wary of the idea of breadcrumbs in my chocolate, but it totally worked. They were still crunchy and it went really well with the dark chocolate and sea salt.

I have been known to be like “why does everything have salt in it?!” but in this, I would miss it if it wasn’t there. The combination of all the flavors together is so good. It’s not my favorite (it really can’t beat potato chips), but I’d never say no to it.

Sprinkle Dreams

Let’s just start off this one by saying I love sprinkles. If I have a choice between a glazed donut and a frosted one with sprinkles, I’m going for the sprinkle one. Age means nothing when it comes to sprinkles and don’t let anyone tell you different.

Sprinkle Dreams combines milk chocolate, pieces of waffle cone, hazelnuts, and rainbow sprinkles. Not only is it colorful and delightful to look at, it tastes great. The sprinkles are crunchy and sugary while the waffle cone is the perfect addition, and the chocolate and hazelnuts mixed together taste like you’re eating Nutella. There is nothing wrong with this situation at all.

I also received the Spicy Maya, Honeycomb, and Baconluxious flavors, but I’m trying to make it last, so I haven’t tried those yet. Will report back when I do!

Have you tried Chuao Chocolatier’s chocolates? What’s your favorite flavor? Let us know in the comments below!