Easter is Sunday, April 9th, 2023, and many people are hitting their local stores looking for the best candies to fill their Easter Eggs and Easter Baskets with. There are so many different options out there, but only here to talk about one, something that I’d like to call the “Sleeper Pick”, the one that many people might not think to add: Hi-Chews!
Hi-Chews are super sweet, chewy, and delicious, that it’s hard not to imagine them in a basket!
Here is a ranking of some of the top flavors of Hi-Chews to add to your Easter Eggs and Easter Baskets!

In descending order, here are some of Hi-Chews most popular flavors ranked:
12. Grape (Original Mix)
Rating: 4.9/10
This was quite possibly the strongest flavor that I’ve tried. It was super perfumey and overall not my favorite flavor, but I know a ton of people who will go nuts over it.
11. Black Cherry (Berry Mix)
Rating: 5.1/10
I was super pumped for this one because I almost always love anything Cherry or Black Cherry-flavored; however, that was not so much the case with this one. Again, it was just way too perfumey for me, but I had someone else try it and they loved it, so it’s all preference!
10. Kiwi (Tropical Mix)
Rating: 5.3/10
This one definitely intrigued me with the cute little black specks on the outside of it, making it look super unique to all of the other flavors that I tried; however, I felt that there wasn’t enough Kiwi-flavoring to it and it was overall pretty underwhelming.
9. Pineapple (Tropical Mix)
Rating: 5.7/10
I actually enjoyed this one, I just couldn’t put it above any of the other flavors that remain on this list. It reminded me of a Piña Colada, so if you’re not a fan of those, then do skip this flavor.
8. Mango (Tropical Mix)
Rating: 5.9/10
I had super high hopes for this because I love mangoes and all things flavored like them. The taste was almost too creamy for me and not enough fruity explosion goodness. Still a good option!
7. Strawberry (Original Mix)
Rating: 6.2/10
I’m not a fan of anything Strawberry-flavored at all, but this one was a very pleasant surprise. It was definitely fruitier than the Mango ones and you could actually tell that what it was supposed to taste like. If you like creamy strawberries then don’t skip out on this flavor.

6. Raspberry (Berry Mix)
Rating: 7.1/10
Again, super love Raspberry-flavored anything…almost. While I did really love this one, I just couldn’t put it above the rest of the five flavors on this list. Super sweet and just the right amount of flavor to it without it being super overpowering and crazy.
5. Blueberry (Berry Mix)
Rating: 7.2/10
Blueberries are my favorite fruit, so super biasedly, I wanted to put this as my Number One favorite flavor. It was great but definitely not as good as my tiny little blueberry heart expected.
4. Green Apple (Original Mix)
Rating: 7.7/10
Green Apple-flavored anything is almost always good. This particular flavor reminded me of Green Apple Laffy Taffys: super chewy, super fruity, super sweet, and just overall super delicious.
3. Rainbow Sherbet (Fantasy Mix)
Rating: 7.8/10
I have never tasted something that tasted so much like what the flavor was actually aiming for. It tasted just like you were spooning some sherbet right out of the ice cream container. It truly did remind me of Summer and overall was super delicious and just so perfectly sweet.
2. Blue Hawaiian (Fantasy Mix)
Rating: 7.9/10
I didn’t know exactly what a Blue Hawaiian flavor was supposed to be, but I gathered that it was some sort of alcoholic drink. After having tasted the Hi-Chew, I now want the adult drink for myself to compare how well Hi-Chews got it right, minus the booze in the candy of course.
1. Blue Raspberry (Fantasy Mix)
Rating: 8.1/10
Here we go with the Number One best Hi-Chew flavor ever! Blue Raspberry being at the top of the list truly didn’t really surprise me. At this point, it’s just sort of the rule of thumb that any blue candies are always the best tasting. This one had the most perfect balance of tartness, sweetness, and chewiness, all for the most perfect bite of a Hi-Chew treat!

In case you haven’t heard about these yet, there is also a brand new Hi-Chews product that is truly unlike any of their other products that they’ve come out with thus far. They are called Hi-Chew Bites and they features all of the flavors from the Original Mix bags. They are absolutely perfect to put into some super cute plastic Easter Eggs for both kids and adults alike to find! Who doesn’t love a super sweet treat in their Easter Eggs (send this to the Easter Bunny, please)!
That’s a wrap on our analysis of Hi-Chews candies and why they are absolutely oh so perfect for both Easter Eggs and Easter Baskets! What is your favorite flavor of Hi-Chews? How will you be using them for Easter this year? Let’s chat all about it down below for all to enjoy!!