Dunkin’ is offering a free donut for National Donut Day

It’s the best day of the year.

Dunkin' National Donut Day 2024 - credit: Dunkin
Dunkin' National Donut Day 2024 - credit: Dunkin

Yesterday, we brought you news of a collaboration between Dunkin’ and Scrub Daddy for the world’s least edible donut, because it’s actually a sponge. But the news doesn’t stop there! For National Donut Day, Dunkin’ is offering you – yes, you – a free donut.

In case you don’t already have it marked on your calendar, National Donut Day is this Friday, June 7, 2024. The annual celebration of all things round and sweet actually has a pretty surprising history: it was first celebrated in 1938 to pay tribute to members of the Salvation Army who served donuts to soldiers during World War I.

While the “holiday” has gotten far afield from its war-based origins, it’s still celebrated every year on the first Friday of June. And this year, that means this Friday, so you better gird your donut stomach appropriately.

To get back to the donut deal at Dunkin’, it’s pretty simple. On Friday, with any purchase of a beverage you can get a free classic donut. At my local Dunkin’, at least, that’s every donut listed, including the otherwise specialty Watermelon Burst Donut – which we reviewed, and liked quite a bit.

That said, if you don’t want the Watermelon Burst Donut, you can always get [Bubba from Forrest Gump voice]: Boston Kreme, Double Chocolate, Chocolate Frosted with Sprinkles, Glazed, Glazed Blueberry, Glazed Chocolate, Old Fashioned, Powdered, Strawberry Frosted with Sprinkles, Vanilla Creme, Vanilla Frosted with Sprinkles, Apple Crumb, Bavarian Kreme, Coconut, Sugared, Jelly, or French Cruller.

You may also be able to snag some regional specialties celebrating your local sports team (go sports!), but I would check with your local Dunkin’ on what they’re giving away free on Friday before you get your heart set on a specific flavor.

Whatever flavor you do get, don’t forget to snag your free donut this Friday. And think about the Salvation Army “Lassies” who delivered donuts to the troops, while you do! Or not, you can just eat a donut, that’s okay.