Oscar Mayer Bacon Cheddar Popcorn review: Yep, that’s what it tastes like

It’s bacon cheese popcorn. You know the drill.
Oscar Mayer Bacon Cheddar Popcorn - credit: Oscar Mayer
Oscar Mayer Bacon Cheddar Popcorn - credit: Oscar Mayer

The popcorn aisle is rapidly expanding faster than some sort of snack that starts as, say, a kernel, before exploding into a much larger size thanks to an influx of intense heat. I’m not thinking of what that snack is specifically right now, but point being, we’ve had a fair amount of popcorn news lately, thanks to the addition of Netflix’s Now Popping lineup, as well as Oscar Mayer’s Bacon Cheddar Popcorn. And on the latter, at least, we can safely say: yep, nailed it.

Two bags of the new snack were provided to Guilty Eats for review by Oscar Mayer, but I can safely say that yes, this tastes like bacon, it’s got a light dusting of cheddar cheese, and indeed it is popcorn. All three boxes checked, review over.

Oh, you want more info? Okay then. The most impressive part of this is that it both has the scent and the taste of Oscar Mayer bacon. Yes, bacon is bacon for the most part, but Oscar Mayer does have a unique flavor and profile to it, and right upon opening the bag I was treated to the enticing smell of cooked bacon.

The cheddar cheese, as mentioned, isn’t laid on too thick… It won’t leave much of a dusting on your fingers; though my one quibble with this product is that I could have used more cheese, as the bacon was the dominant flavor. I guess part of the reason for that is Oscar Mayer makes bacon, not cheese. But still, it would have been nice if 50% of the flavor profile was a little more prominent.

And the last part, perhaps the most important part, is the popcorn. There wasn’t anything particularly wild about it, but I say this complimentarily: it wasn’t stale. I prefer to air pop kernels myself, so I don’t usually reach for pre-bagged popcorn. One of the reasons is that the popped kernels can get a little too chewy, a little too hard. These were, to borrow a phrase from the Three Bears, just right.

So is this one a winner? Sure! While it could have amped up the cheese more, I devoured the two bags I was sent, and might even consider buying more. I’m not sure how Oscar Mayer can expand this line further – Bologna Caramel popcorn, perhaps? – if they want to take over the snack aisle, based on this item I’m all for it.