Sales of Starbucks’ signature Frappuccinos seems to be slumping, and a new report from the company is blaming it on what they call health culture.
When it comes to summer beverages at Starbucks, nothing is quite as cold and refreshing as one of their signature Frappuccinos. Whether you choose a coffee based beverage or one of their decaffeinated options, there is a flavor for everyone.
However, while Starbucks’ Frappuccinos might be a delicious, icy treat in the summer, it seems that sales of the signature drink are slumping. And according to The Takeout, it sounds like Starbucks knows exactly what to blame for the down turn in sales, “health culture.”
Apparently during a recent investor presentation for the company, new trends in health and wellness were blamed for declining Frappuccino sales. Considering how many calories each of these drinks contain, as well as how much sugar a single grande size Frappuccino contains, is anyone surprised by the idea of health culture turning against these frothy concoctions.
Car-a-mel? Car-mel? No matter how you say it, the #UltraCaramelFrappuccino is here.
— Starbucks (@Starbucks) May 1, 2018
If you pull up the Starbucks menu on their website, you can easily see how the Frappuccino might not make it into the diet of someone looking to be a bit more health conscious. An example of this is the regular Mocha Frappuccino, with whole milk and whipped cream on top. A grande size of this particular beverage comes with a whopping 410 calories, 15 grams of fat, and 61 grams of sugar.
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For someone heading to Starbucks for something cold this summer, while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle, perhaps the Frappuccino is not going to be the first choice.
As the company reported, this new idea of health culture is already affecting the bottom line, as the sales of these drinks is down to their debut sales level of 11 percent, from their high of 17 percent. While this may not mean the complete downfall of the Frappuccino, as Kevin Johnson, the CEO of Starbucks explained, these beverages are much more indulgent, and are primarily a treat for consumers.
Although Starbucks is looking to also offer more options when it comes to lower sugar beverages, this does not change the fact that the Frappuccino is simply a more indulgent menu option that some of the company’s more health conscious customers will likely continue to avoid. And while there may be a few ways to save on the sugar and calories of the drink by going with skim milk and no whip cream, that still leaves you with 270 calories and 59 grams of sugar in the grande size.
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For those of us who love our Frappuccinos, the simple fact is that this is an indulgent treat, that is simply not going to be the best option for anyone on a diet or looking to live a healthier lifestyle.