Devils Backbone is challenging Karbach Brewery to a World Series wager for charity

Photo: Washington Nationals ballpark beer Earned Run Ale.. Image Courtesy Devils Backbone
Photo: Washington Nationals ballpark beer Earned Run Ale.. Image Courtesy Devils Backbone

With the Astros taking on the Nationals in the World Series, sister Breweries, Devils Backbone and Karbach Brewing have a wager for charity in the works.

It looks like Karbach Brewing is back in action with another wager revolving around baseball. This time it seems that they were actually challenged by Devils Backbone, the brewery of the Washington Nationals, to a World Series wager.

What’s the World Series wager entail you may ask? Well it seems that the losing team will have to brew the winning team’s beer in their brewery. All of the profits made from the winning team’s beer sales will then go to a charity of the winners choice.

In terms of the charities chosen to benefit from this wager, Devils Backbone has chosen the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, while Karbach Brewing has picked the Astros Foundation (which makes perfect sense). However, there is so much to this wager than just its charitable component and brewing the winners beer at the loser’s brewery.

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If the Astros win the World Series, then Devils Backbone has to brew Crawford Bach while wearing astronaut costumes with Astros shirts over them. But, if the Nationals win, then Karbach Brewing has to wear shark costumes with Nationals shirts over them as they brew Earned Run Ale.

On top of all of this, the general manager of the losing team will have to fly to the winning brewery in order to “buy, deliver, and serve the brewery staff their local state’s favorite hamburger.” What this means is that if the Astros win, Karbach Brewing is eating Whataburger, while if the Nationals win, then Devils Backbone Brewing is chowing down on Five Guys Burger and Fries.

Seriously, this wager is so impressive that it could only happen for a World Series. And we can’t wait to see who comes out on top, just so we can see all these brewers in costume with the winning team’s shirts over them.

We love friendly wagers like this and the fact that charity will benefit from it is an added bonus. Good luck to both breweries as their teams go head-to-head in the World Series, may the best team win.

Related Story. Karbach Brewing took on Blue Point Brewing in an ALCS wager and won. light

Which team are you rooting for in the World Series? What do you think of this brewery versus brewery wager? Tell us what you think in the comments