Have you tried these Pretzel Pop-Tarts yet?

NEW Pop Tarts Pretzel, photo provided by Pop Tarts
NEW Pop Tarts Pretzel, photo provided by Pop Tarts /

This year, Pop-Tarts gifted us with a few new flavors and yet it might just be these Pretzel varieties that are our favorite.

Have you ever walked through a mall and smelled the scent of fresh-baked pretzels and just known you needed that treat in your life? Seriously, there is something about those salty (and sometimes sweet) doughy snacks that satisfy a craving we didn’t even know we had. And Pop-Tarts decided to capitalize on that love.

In 2019, Pop-Tarts introduced two Pretzel varieties of their toaster pastries. One is filled with chocolate with a salt and chocolate topping, while the other is cinnamon sugar. And seriously, these might be our favorite release of the year.

You never knew you needed these in your life until you toast up your first duo of Pretzel Pop-Tarts. Not only does it satisfy any sweet and salty snack craving you may have, but it will make it easier to get that satisfying fresh-baked pretzel taste at home. Will it replace those doughy mall-based pretzels? Of course not! But, if you aren’t heading to the mall anytime soon, these are definitely the answer to a wish we didn’t even know we had.

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And if you are wondering which flavor is better, it’s hard to choose. The cinnamon sugar is definitely a favorite, but the chocolate answers its own tasty craving.

These might just be the best flavor of Pop-Tarts that has been released in a long time. And now is definitely the time to give these a try. After all, who wouldn’t want to kick off the new year with a new treat? (Plus, this might become the breakfast treat you need to jumpstart your day.)

While the Pop-Tarts homepage says that these Pretzel flavors are coming soon, I found them at my local Walmart. So, be on the lookout, because you never know where they may turn up.

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Have you tried the Pretzel Pop-Tarts yet? If you have what did you think? Which was your favorite? And if you haven’t, are you planning to try them? Tell us what you think in the comments.